
Marc Márquez

Marc Márquez Alentà

What Phone does Marc Márquez use or wear? Let's explore together with the Marc Márquez Famegear community! ─ Born in Spain, Marc Márquez is one of the MotoGP racers who was born in 1993. Marc has achieved much success since 2013. Marc is known as a consistent racer and has very skilled techniques so that he is able to break many records.

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What gear does Marc Márquez use or wear?
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Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra


In a brilliant display of tech-savvy style, Marc Márquez proudly shows off his phone in a mirror selfie, showcasing a sleek Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.... View more

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Submitted by Ferdinand Andre Ferdinand Andre at

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Samsung Galaxy Tab S9

Samsung Galaxy Tab S9


In this post, Marc is proudly showing off his Samsung Galaxy Tab S9, and rightfully so! It's a genuinely sophisticated tablet, and I'm thrilled to say that I also have one at home.... View more

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Submitted by Ermenilda Colton Ermenilda Colton at

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